Psalm 1:1-3


Psalm 1 describes what a truly blessed person looks like. It lists three things a blessed person does not do. Each one involves association with the wrong people. The blessed person does not walk, stand, or sit with the ungodly, sinners, or scornful people. The imagery of walking, standing, and sitting shows varying levels of associating with ungodly people, progressing to the point where we get comfortable enough to sit down with them. If we want to be blessed, we should not surround ourselves with people who do not follow the Lord.

Instead, the blessed person finds delight in the law of the Lord, which is the Bible. The blessed person delights so greatly in God’s Word that he or she meditates on it constantly. Meditating means taking one’s time and not being in a hurry. We need to slow down and find this kind of delight (joy) spending time in God’s Word. This verse also communicates the need to make God’s Word our priority.

If we avoid associating with ungodly people and we rather delight in the Word, then we can become like a tree planted by water that produces fruit in its season. This fruit comes from time in His Word, and it arrives in the season God determines for us. If we are frustrated and struggling, we need to wait on God’s perfect timing. Jesus is the answer, and He will make a way for us!

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Getting Started

  1. What can happen to people if they associate with the wrong crowd people?
  2. What are some characteristics of a tree that we as disciples would want to emulate?

Let’s Get Personal

  1. When have you spent too much time sitting with ungodly people? How did it affect you?
  2. Do you find delight in God’s Word? If not, what is keeping you from this delight?
  3. What kind of season are you in right now? Fruitful or dry? What may be keeping fruit from being produced in your life?

Take the Next Step

  1. What are some ways you can start finding delight in God’s Word? Find an accountability partner who can help you be consistent in spending time in the Word.
  2. What fruit is God currently developing in your life (love, patience, self-control, prayer, etc.)? What is one area that you can strengthen this week?
  3. Want to dig deeper? Take a look at the following passage: Matthew 6:33.

Renew Your Mind

“Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful. But his delight is in the law of the LORD; and in his law doth he meditate day and night.”

Psalm 1:1-2 (KJV)