Kingdom Stewardship

The Freedom of Kingdom Stewardship

By November 20, 2018 No Comments
2 Kings 4:1-7


As we review the concept of stewardship, we should remember that God owns everything. We are merely managers of the things He has entrusted to us. Kingdom stewards have the divinely ordained responsibility to manage time, talents, and treasures in such a way that brings Him glory.

One of the ways we bring glory to God is to recognize that He is the owner of all things. When we fail to acknowledge His ownership, we take on the mindset that we are owners and consequently, the responsibility for ownership shifts to us. Such faulty thinking can lead to living mortgaged lives – paying for the past rather than planning and living for the future; or simply put, living in debt.

In 2 Kings 4:1-7, we learn of a widow who is in debt and in danger of losing her children as a result of that debt. By consulting the prophet, the widow established God as her source, executed the plan as the man of God directed, and subsequently made enough from her sale of oil to not only pay off her debt but to provide for her family for years to come.

Getting Started

Reread 2 Kings 4:1-7 and outline how the widow followed what Pastor Evans called the four Ps to experience freedom and eliminate illegitimate debt:

  1. Plant – Establish God as your one and only source.
  2. Plan – Take an inventory of your finances and enact a plan (budget). Establish a program that God can work with.
  3. Prioritize – Know the difference between your needs, wants, and desires.
  4. Pray – Consistently and specifically communicate with God about personal financial matters.

Let’s Get Personal

  1. How does our connection with God affect our mindset toward debt? Does this lesson challenge your past thoughts and behaviors as it relates to debt? How so?
  2. Evans mentioned five causes of debt: spiritual ignorance, greed, lack of contentment, poor planning, and bad theology. Have you experienced any of these? If so, explore the cause and effect of each of these and why you were at a place to be affected by them.
  3. Pastor stated that illegitimate debt becomes an issue of well-being in addition to a money issue. Name some ways that debt can impede one’s well-being.

Take the Next Step

  1. If you are currently in debt, will you consider following the four Ps to eliminate debt? Pray about how you can incorporate God’s plan to experience the freedom God wants for you. List out some practical steps to plant, plan, prioritize and pray about your financial condition.
  2. Whether or not we are in debt, God us to live out his principles to help others tangibly. How will you do this in light of this lesson?

Renew Your Mind

Then she came and told the man of God. And he said, “Go, sell the oil and pay your debt, and you and your sons can live on the rest.  ~ 2 Kings 4:7