1 Kings 17:8-16


Throughout the Bible, God spoke to people in unexpected ways. He told Noah to build an ark before rain had ever fallen. He declared that Sarah and Abraham would have a child even though they were too old. He instructed Elijah to seek provision from a widow in a drought-stricken, idol-worshipping town. Similarly, God may give you an unusual command because He is preparing you for an extraordinary provision.

Though the widow had no bread, Elijah asked her to feed him first. Many times in life, we may find ourselves in a difficult season where we have nothing to give, but God asks us to give to Him first. No matter the season, we have the ingredients to be obedient to the Lord. When we put Him first, we can experience His power. It is vital to have veterans like Elijah in our lives who have history with God because they remind us to put our trust in Him. Because of the widow’s obedience, her resources multiplied, and she and her son never went hungry. Likewise, when we give God our first and best, even in hardship, He provides abundantly.

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Getting Started

  1. What natural disasters have you heard of or experienced that caused major loss or hardship?
  2. What are some other unexpected ways God speaks in the Bible?

Let’s Get Personal

  1. What kind of season are you in right now – a drought, a time of abundance, or something else? What has God been showing you lately through that season?
  2. Has there been a time when God has given you or someone you love an unexpected command? What was the command, and what was your (or your loved one’s) response?
  3. Who have been the veterans in your life who point you back to God?

Take the Next Step

  1. What is God calling you to surrender to Him first? Pray for the faith to give it to Him now.
  2. What is the next step of obedience you need to take? What has the Lord been telling you to do that you have been avoiding? Take that next step of obedience this week.
  3. Want to dig deeper? Take a look at the following passage: Isaiah 55:9.

Renew Your Mind

“For thus says the LORD God of Israel, ‘The bowl of flour shall not be exhausted, nor shall the jar of oil be empty, until the day that the LORD sends rain on the face of the earth.’”

1 Kings 17:14