House of Prayer

How to Pray, Part 3

By January 27, 2025 No Comments

Matthew 6:9-13


The third and final portion of the Lord’s Prayer is packed with the wisdom we require. First, asking for daily bread teaches us to have a daily dependence on God as our source to give us what we need. Our daily bread includes physical needs, such as food, water, shelter, health, and rest. It also includes our spiritual needs. We must ask the Lord to meet these needs so we can carry out His kingdom purpose. If we are not going to God for these needs, then we have downgraded the job description of what God is calling us to do. The goal for us as believers is to enrich the kingdom, so we must go to the Lord as our source.

Second, the Lord’s Prayer gives us an opportunity to get right with God each day through forgiveness. There is a difference between judicial and relational forgiveness. Judicial forgiveness occurs in the courtroom of heaven, where we have been justified by faith and declared “not guilty” by the Judge. We are no longer condemned but eternally saved. Relational forgiveness is the way we stay in fellowship with our Heavenly Father. As we sin and get our feet dirty, we need our feet washed so we can draw close to God. Then, we must offer forgiveness to others to maintain divine fellowship.

Third, asking God not to lead us into temptation means to asking for God’s help in times of testing that include temptation. While the Lord does not tempt us, He does strengthens us through the trials and testing of our faith. We must essentially ask the Lord to help us live right. In this prayer, God focuses us on His kingdom and not on ourselves.

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Getting Started

  1. In America, we have been blessed with so much that our dependency on God has become scarce. What do we have in abundance in America?
  2. What do people often pray for in order to feel better?

Let’s Get Personal

  1. What keeps you from depending on God as your source?
  2. Is the content of your prayers more about your will or God’s will, and why?
  3. Where are you struggling with forgiveness? How does that impact your relationship with the Lord?

Take the Next Step

  1. Do you truly desire what God wants for your life? Pray every day this week for God to meet your needs so you can do His will. Pray for His forgiveness, and for the strength to live right. Take note of the difference this makes in your week.
  2. What steps do you need to take this week to be more in touch with God’s will for your life?
  3. Want to dig deeper? Take a look at the following passages: Leviticus 22:19; Deuteronomy 8:3; Psalm 1:2-3; 37:4; Matthew 4:4; 6:33; Luke 11:3; 23:34; John 1:1; 4:14; 6:35; 13:9-10; 15:7; 17:17; Ephesians 1:13; Philippians 4:19; Hebrews 4:15; 1 Peter 2:24; 1 John 5:14.

Renew Your Mind

“Give us this day our daily bread.”

Matthew 6:11