Matthew 6:9-13


Some names have a reputation attached to them. For example, when we think of Martin Luther King, Jr., we think about his work as a civil rights activist, preacher and leader. His name is not a mere title, but it is attached to his reputation and character. Even more so is God’s reputation and character connected to His name. When believers understand who God is and begin to yearn for His kingdom, then we learn how to pray as Jesus taught.

The phrase “hallowed be Your name” in the Lord’s Prayer reminds us to be in awe of who God is (Matt 6:9). When we go before God in prayer, we must recognize that behind His name are His reputation and character, a character which we should fully trust. If we come to our Father as a skeptic, then we are not remembering all that He has done for us. Rather, we must recall that His complete character, will, purpose and plan reside in His name, and therefore so do the answers to all our prayer concerns. But we cannot come into His presence without giving Him glory. Prayer is first and foremost about God’s glory and not our needs.

The phrase “Your kingdom come” demonstrates that disciples should yearn for God’s kingdom (Matt 6:10). In this world, we have problems because we live in the enemy’s kingdom ruled by Satan, in a realm of sin and unrighteousness. The solution we need rests in God’s kingdom of righteousness. When His kingdom comes, we will find the culmination of all our prayers being answered. Until then, we must seek through prayer how God wants us to serve Him in order to manifest His kingdom agenda. We should come to the Lord as a trusting child, glorifying His name and asking how we can serve the King. Ultimately, we work toward hearing the words “well done” from our loving Father.

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Getting Started

  1. What names or brands can you think of that have well-known reputations?
  2. What causes you to trust in someone’s name or reputation?

Let’s Get Personal

  1. Describe a time when you came to God as a skeptic in prayer.
  2. What would it look like to have a yearning for God’s kingdom in your life?
  3. Prayer is first and foremost about God’s glory and not our needs. How does this statement change your perspective on prayer?

Take the Next Step

  1. How is the Lord calling you to be obedient right now, so that one day you can hear the words “well done”?
  2. Every time you pray this week, praise God for who He is and ask how you can serve Him. Take note of how this changes your prayer life.
  3. Want to dig deeper? Take a look at the following passages: Exodus 34:7; Psalm 2:9; 9:10; 89:14; 100:4; Matthew 4:9; Revelation 2:27.

Renew Your Mind

“Your kingdom come. Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.”

Matthew 6:10