Matthew 6:9-13


In today’s society, Christians are willing to subscribe to many different influencers, so-called experts and others online. We listen to all kinds of worldly wisdom and follow it wholeheartedly. This information and advice, however, is not what we truly need. We need prayer.

Through prayer, we commune with God. Prayer is the main artery through which the success of our relationship with God will flow. Like oxygen, it keeps the vitals of faith consistently functioning. Spending time communing with God provides us with a place to find rest and peace. Without prayer, our souls wither.

On two separate occasions in two Scripture passages, Jesus teaches His followers how to pray (Matt 6; Luke 11). He begins with this important phrase, “Our Father who is in heaven.” Unlike our earthly Father, God is located in heaven, and He is both perfect and all-powerful. God is Jesus’ Father, but Jesus includes believers as His siblings and shows us that God is also our Father. This gives us a different level of access, available only to those who are God’s children. Therefore, our hearts should have the attitude of a child coming to their “daddy.” We can go to Him with complete trust, knowing that He cares for us and He can do anything.

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Getting Started

  1. To which online shows or influencers do you subscribe? What do you learn from them?
  2. What are some different kinds of relationships people have with their fathers?

Let’s Get Personal

  1. How has your relationship with your father impacted your relationship with God?
  2. How do you approach God in prayer? How is it different from the way you should approach Him?
  3. What areas of your life and your soul need the oxygen of prayer right now?

Take the Next Step

  1. What steps do you need to take to make prayer a consistent part of your life? Find an accountability partner to hold you accountable to put those steps into practice this week.
  2. What voices do you subscribe to online do you need to take a break from or cut out of your life? Commit to listening more to the Lord and less to the world.
  3. Want to dig deeper? Take a look at the following passages: Luke 3:21; 5:16; 6:12; 9:18, 28; 11:1; John 1:12; 8:44; Acts 17:28; Ephesians 2:19; James 5:16.

Renew Your Mind

“Pray, then, in this way: ‘Our Father who is in heaven, Hallowed be Your name.’”

Matthew 6:9