Dear Members,
We continuously need fresh wind, fresh fire from the Holy Spirit to enable us to live out God’s expectations for us in the world. In the Christian life, we need the empowerment of the Holy Spirit each day to go where He wants us to go and do what He wants us to do.
You know you are walking in the Spirit when you are living a life of prayer. Because prayer is proof of dependence on the Spirit. As Dr. Evans continues his series on Kingdom Voting, make it a daily commitment to pray for our Pastor, our church, our community and our nation.
Click or tap below to hear from Dr. Evans.
Wednesday Night Bible Study
TONIGHT, join us on Zoom at 8 pm for our Wednesday Night Bible Study on Kingdom Voting. Dr. Evans will recap last Sunday’s sermon, The Concept of Kingdom Voting, and answer your questions regarding it. Afterward, you will break off into smaller groups for a more in-depth discussion. Men and women will meet on separate Zoom links:
Celebrate Dr. Evans’ Birthday

OCBF family, let’s celebrate our Senior Pastor’s birthday together on TOMORROW, Thursday, September 10, from 5 – 7 pm. Come to the Worship Center parking lot with your decorated vehicles and signs (optional) for a drive-by celebration for Dr. Evans. Our Senior Pastor and his entire family will be there to greet you as you drive through. Yes, you can bring gifts such as cards, cash, checks (payable to Dr. Tony Evans), and gift cards. Please, no food. Don’t miss this opportunity to celebrate our Pastor.
Thursday Night Prayer Service
Our commitment to prayer is proof of our dependence on the Holy Spirit. At OCBF, we believe in the power of prayer. Join other prayer warriors each Thursday, beginning tomorrow, September 10, at 8 pm on Zoom. Click here to access the Zoom link for tomorrow’s prayer service.
Small Groups
Small groups will resume VIRTUALLY for members only beginning Sunday, September 13. This Sunday, September 13, you can let us know if you are interested in hosting a small group or joining a small group by visiting us at
Members, don’t forget you can access our weekly study guide on Kingdom Voting at
2020 Pursuit Singles Summit

Make plans to join singles from around the nation for the 2020 Pursuit Singles Summit: Unleashed. This is a two-day virtual event on Friday, September 18, and Saturday, September 19. You’ll hear from incredible keynote and session speakers, such as Dr. Tony Evans, and enjoy an incredible lineup of musical artists and a comedian. Register today at
North Texas Giving Day

Early giving for North Texas Giving Day has started. This 18-hour giving event presents an opportunity for our church family to support our private schools, Kingdom Collegiate Academies (KCA) and our social outreach, The Turn•Around Agenda (TTA).
If you can give above your tithe and offering to the church, visit and search KCA and/or TTA.
Sunday Morning Broadcast

Join us this Sunday, September 13, at 10 am, when Dr. Tony Evans continues his new sermon series: Kingdom Voting. This Sunday, we’ll learn about the biblical role of government in God and Government, based on Romans 13:1-7. After the service, please get with the people you’ve invited to view the broadcast with you to discuss the sermon using our study guide. View our weekly worship broadcast via:
Tithes & Offerings
Your financial commitment to our ministry is extremely important. We appreciate your faithfulness in keeping our church strong in ministry.
You can pay your tithe and/or offering in one of four ways:
- Mail: OCBF, 1808 W Camp Wisdom Rd, Dallas, TX 75232
- Website:
- Text OCBF to 797979
- OCBF Church Mobile App
Life On Life Women’s Bible Study

Ladies, don’t forget to register for the Fall session of Life On Life Women’s Bible Study! It starts Tuesday, September 15, at 9:30 am on Zoom. Register today at
Kingdom Agenda Bible Institute
As our world goes virtual, it’s now easier than ever to study to show yourself approved! Get the tools for the wisdom you need at Kingdom Agenda Bible Institute (KABI). KABI offers courses that focus on Bible & Theology, Christian Living, Ministry Training and topics specifically for women in the Ladies Collection of classes. Registration is now open for the fall semester at Classes run from September 13 – November 25.
Technology, Education & Career Courses
Achieve success by learning technology to virtually exist in today’s world. Make yourself more marketable, improve existing skills or learn something new! Courses include Computer/IT Basics, Microsoft Office, GED Prep, navigating Zoom and more! Find success today by registering for a course at Classes run from September 8 – December 8.
Free at Last Support Groups
Freedom from spiritual strongholds is now just a click away! Explore our network of support groups focused on helping you to work through issues that keep you from experiencing the freedom that Christ came to give. Go to today to register. Support groups will meet on Mondays, September 14 – November 16.
Kingdom Collegiate Academies

Parents, if you are looking for a private school that offers flexible program options and an exceptional collegiate education grounded in a kingdom worldview, look no further than Kingdom Collegiate Academies.
We are now enrolling students 18 months through grade 12. Parents can choose from three program options for instruction: in-person classroom, remote classroom or self-paced online. To apply, visit
Improve Your Credit Workshop

Does your credit report need a tune-up? Do you want to better understand what impacts your credit score? Are your credit problems too overwhelming? This two-and-a-half-hour workshop, on Saturday, September 26, will provide biblical strategies to improve your credit. You will also learn how to avoid the pitfalls that can lead to bad credit. This workshop will be delivered via Zoom. Connection instructions will be provided prior to the workshop to registered participants. Go to to register.
Stay Connected
We want to keep you updated! Help us do that by making sure we have your information. If you or a member(s) you know are not getting our emails, text and/or app notifications, please visit the following links to update your email, opt in to text messages and download our app and sign up for app notifications.
Share Five
We want to see more people involved in the life our ministry. We encourage you to invite five people to view the Sunday morning broadcast with you this Sunday and each week – the same five people. Use Zoom, Facebook watch party or some other technology to watch the service together. After each Sunday broadcast, use the study guide to engage your guests in a discussion about the sermon. Find resources here to get you started.
Become a Member
Online pre-membership classes are going on right now! If you know anyone who has expressed interest in joining our church, please have them visit
Remember you don’t have walk alone in times of difficulty. Our Counseling Center offers telehealth counseling for individuals, couples, and families. Please reach out to us at or call 214-672-9152.
As always, we look forward to worshiping with you this Sunday!