James 1:1-4


In the course of our daily lives, we will encounter various trials.  While trials are never easy or pleasant, God either allows or causes them to develop us spiritually and deepen our faith.  In James 1:2, James (the half-brother of Jesus and brother of Jude) provides us with an unnatural response we can express when encountering a trial: we are told to “count it all joy.”  In essence, we are to go through a trial without an attitude of negativity and bitterness.  Instead, we are to “count it all joy” with the understanding that God’s purpose is to grow and strengthen us as we honor and glorify Him.

When we respond to a trial God’s way, it will produce patience so that we are able to endure and stand firm free of anger and bitterness.  Therefore, we are not to run from a trial, but submit to what God is showing and teaching us as He refines, matures, and perfect us in Him!

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Getting Started

  1. What resonated with you most from today’s sermon?
  2. In the past, did you view your trials with anger and bitterness or with joy?

Let’s Get Personal

  1. The testing of your faith is either allowed or caused by God.  Knowing this, how will you respond when encountering a trial?
  2. Why is developing patience or endurance important for spiritual maturity?
  3. In what ways have you grown spiritually as a result of the trials you experienced?

Take the Next Step

When encountering a trial, what steps will you take to develop an attitude of joy?

Renew Your Mind

“And let endurance have its perfect result, so that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.” – James 1:4