Like children must be taught to save their allowance or they will spend it all, God teaches us to honor Him as Ruler and Owner of all.
God loves a cheerful giver. Whatever you normally give each week, focus on your heart as you give with the goal of becoming a cheerful giver.
Discontentment has a way of causing us to lose what we already have in an effort to gain what often does not even exist
All of life is a stewardship because all of life comes from and is under the authority of the Jesus the King of kings.
We often think of idols as carvings of wood or statues. However, an idol is anything or anyone that usurps God’s rule in a person’s life.
Previously, Dr. Evans introduced the concept of stewardship. He shared Scriptures that reveal God’s ownership and rule over all.
Kingdom stewardship is the understanding that while we are here on Earth, we don’t own anything. God is the owner, we are the caretakers.
When God does something suddenly, He does it so it can serve as a testimony about Himself that benefits others as well.
A legacy is like a relay race baton: no matter how fast a runner moves, if the baton is not passed to the next runner, the team cannot win.
Foundations are important in homes, families and our culture. Entities built on a weak foundation will collapse during a storm or disaster.
When a man starts where he is and uses the tools he already has, God will improve his life, his family, and his community.
When both a man and a woman join together to follow the will of God and carry out His purpose for their lives, their dominion will expand.
A man’s life changes forever when he acknowledges God as ruler, covenant giver, and as the One who holds the power.
When a man enters his God-ordained space, takes a stand in His kingdom, and abides by His authority, we will see a shift in our culture.
Men are called to a unique position and ordained purpose. Anyone can live up to that position and purpose as long as God is first.
Jesus wants to be everything to us. If we choose to obey Him and allow Him to rule our lives, we can see how great and powerful His name is.
Scripture clearly communicates that God highly values and uses the gifts and calling He has given to women.
When we draw near to Jesus, we can be sustained and believe God’s promises, even when they appear to be unbelievable.
When we accept Jesus as Lord and Savior, we are brought into His kingdom for eternity. We must also recognize Him as our King here on earth.
Jesus, as the Alpha and Omega, provides all the divine enablement we need to have a successful Christian life.
As long as we trust Jesus, call on Him, pray to Him and honor Him, He will do transformational things in our lives.
When we accept Jesus’ power and position as both Son of Man and Son of God, our struggles no longer have the final say in our lives.
Because of Jesus, we don’t have to pay for our sins. If we accept who He is and believe He gives eternal life, we have victory over our sin!
Jesus the Word entered into human history, in human form, in order that the world might see God in terms that we could understand.
Jesus Christ is our Lord. As Christians, we have Him related to eternity, but we also need Him in our everyday lives.
Our relationship with Jesus Christ automatically unites us with God and encourages us when our situations seem hopeless.
There’s no name like the name Jesus. Because He died for our sins, we cannot mention Him without recognizing the sin in our lives.
A divine encounter with God requires we first be broken. Even when it hurts, God breaks us so He can fix us for the glory of His kingdom.
The key to having a divine encounter with God is how we position ourselves. He will show up in our circumstances when we are aligned with Him.