We are called to submit to God’s comprehensive rule in every area of our lives, including submitting to His will over our own wills.
As a citizen of the United States, we have a commitment to a nation – a kingdom. If you are a believer, you are a citizen of God’s Kingdom.
God is a father we can trust, and a father that is concerned about our welfare. This means He protects us, and also disciplines us.
Although prayer is an act of faith that draws us closer to God, many struggle with it because we do not know what prayer is or how to do it.
When we do ‘church things’ because we want people to know we are Christian or we want God to bless us, we have created the idol of religion.
In God’s Kingdom, there is no such thing as luck. God is the one who causes or allows all things to take place in our lives.
The permeation of humanism and secularism in the culture has resulted in a part-time saint mentality among Christians.
Greed is really a heart issue and in order to overcome it, we must shift our hearts from receiving more to giving more.
Many do not use technology the way God intended. Technology becomes an idol when we start to worship our devices instead of worshiping God.
Pleasure becomes an idol when we seek to enjoy something in God’s creation without the participation of the Creator.
Christians must position themselves under the Lordship of Jesus Christ and allow a biblical worldview to govern who we are.
Satan has a trap. He wants us to think the word “idol” doesn’t apply to us. However, because sin affects everyone, so does idolatry.
Believers should seek to get spiritual clarity from God through prayer as they listen for Him to speak to them.
When we come to God with our questions, concerns, fears, and insecurities, we position ourselves to experience God’s power.
Our battles are in the spiritual realm. If you are focused on the physical realm, then you will not find the root of your battle’s problem.
If we are only being religious without a relationship with God, then we won’t be able to pray to move mountains.
When committed believers pray, an atmosphere is created which allows God to change His mind about negative events in their lives.
The Church has been given kingdom authority to act on heaven’s behalf. This authority is seen with the principle of “binding and loosing.”
Prayer is the key that allows believers to experience the power of heaven on earth – but prayer has to be prioritized.
The centurion’s request for Jesus’ help is a form of prayer asking for help with a serious problem that was out of his control to solve.
There are prerequisites for praying in Jesus’ name and seeing His resulting work in our lives as He responds to our requests.
Submission to the Lordship of Jesus is critical for experiencing His power, and our submission to Christ is accomplished through the church.
Christians have a legal right to have their prayers answered because prayer is not just an activity: prayer is an exercise of faith.
Many people want spiritual power active in their life but one must understand the source of this power in order to experience it.
Kingdom stewards have the divinely ordained responsibility to manage time, talents, and treasures in such a way that brings Him glory.
We must change our perspective about work and view it as a sacred task that fulfills our Kingdom responsibility as followers of Jesus.
One of the ways we bring glory to God is to recognize that He is the owner of all things, and freedom is found in that mindset.
When we respond to a trial God’s way, it will produce patience so that we are able to endure and stand firm free of anger and bitterness.
The parable teaches us the importance of developing kingdom relationships by impacting as many people as we can for our benefit in eternity.
As God’s kingdom steward, you can also expect to receive benefits for managing His resources in a way that protects and expands His kingdom.