Understanding what is going on today means looking at what God intended for us regarding government and authority.
With an upcoming election and so many differing opinions, how Christians should vote becomes seemingly, even more complicated.
The command to love God is sewn together with the command to love others, and we will experience more of God as we experience community.
The command to love God is sewn together with the command to love others, and we will experience more of God as we experience community.
The command to love God is sewn together with the command to love others, and we will experience more of God as we experience community.
The command to love God is sewn together with the command to love others, and we will experience more of God as we experience community.
The command to love God is sewn together with the command to love others, and we will experience more of God as we experience community.
If we are positioned under God’s will and spiritually connected to Him, we will see the Goliaths of today fall to His power and sovereignty.
It can be hard to keep a strong faith when our world is collapsing. If we spend time serving others, our faith can be recharged.
The people of Jesus must unify to actively engage this world in relocating God and a biblical worldview as the focus of culture and society.
In protest to a racial norm, Jesus Christ – while maintaining his own racial history and heritage – obeyed the will of God.
We cannot expect the structures of society to work when we, the structure of His own people, refuse to work in alignment with His standard.
Kingdom men are those who have made the decision to operate consistently under the governance of God and the Lordship of Jesus Christ.
David illustrates in Psalm 23 the relational and covenantal nature of God from the vantage point of a shepherd taking care of his sheep.
Kingdom Disciples make a conscious decision to prioritize God’s views even when those views do not align with commonly held worldly beliefs.
The parable in Matthew 7 illustrates how the success or failure of one’s house is predicated on the decision to build it on wisdom and truth.
The physical pandemic that we face today is a symbol of a spiritual, societal and personal pandemic. The answer always begins with Scripture.
The people that make up the church have a job to do: God wants His people to be present in the world for His purposes.
While the circumstances of life may be difficult and cause us to fear, we must choose to rest in God’s person, power and provision.
Just like King Jehoshaphat, when we pray and acknowledge that God is in control even when we are not, we should always start with praise.
The Anointing that comes from the Holy Spirit requires intimate fellowship with God through the practice of abiding in Jesus Christ..
The Holy Spirit as living water provides the ongoing experience of spiritual life and satisfaction to all who are willing to receive it.
The Person of the Holy Spirit is the third member of the Trinity. It is His job to help believers of Jesus in any area there is a need.
Prayer is our commitment to have a conversation with God so that His kingdom reigns. Be bold in prayer and expect God to act in your life.
No matter what situation we face, our prayers should always lead us to lift up our voice to God with gratitude and great praise.
When we pray for protection from temptation and evil, God promises to deliver us. Our response should be to praise, glorify and honor Him.
Despite our sins against God the Father, He sent Jesus Christ to shed his blood for the forgiveness of our sin, pardoning those who repent.
When God does provide sustenance for us, we should respond by expressing love, concern, and compassion through sharing with those in need.