Everyone is welcomed at OCBF. It is our sincere desire that all men, women, boys and girls come into a saving knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ and experience daily the power of His eternal love. A believer can increasingly grow into an intimate, vibrant relationship with Christ as he or she becomes more grounded in His Word.
James 5:19-20 Introduction On a boat, a lifesaver or life buoy is a flotation device used to save the life of someone who has fallen overboard. These lifesaving devices are...
James 5:13-18 Introduction If someone puts a million dollars in your physical bank account, you are a guaranteed millionaire. However, if you don't know how to write a check or...
James 5:1-12 Introduction How often have you heard a child shout, "That's not fair!"? Children, even those as young as five, seem hypersensitive to the concept of fairness. They are...
James 4:13-17 Introduction When general contractors build a house, they are responsible for managing all aspects of the project from groundbreaking to completion. They schedule the build, order the materials,...
James 4:1-12 Introduction In today’s world, it is common for people to identify themselves using their “preferred pronouns” to reveal how they want others to address and identify them. The...
James 3:13-18 Introduction Wisdom is the key to living a productive Christian life and to grasp it, we need to know how it is intertwined with knowledge and understanding. Beginning...
James 3:1-12 Introduction In 1986 the space shuttle Challenger blew up. It blew up because some little rubber components were not correctly placed. They were loose. As a result of...
James 2:14-26 Introduction When we do not engage in enough physical activity, our muscles can atrophy. Muscle atrophy is the thinning or loss of muscle tissue. Without proper use, the...
James 2:1-13 Introduction If a man walks into church in tattered clothing and receives less favorable treatment than a man wearing a nice suit, the sin of partiality has just...
James 1:19-27 Introduction In the parable of the sower and the seeds (Luke 8:4-15), Jesus shares the principle of people and their relationship to God’s Word. This parable helps us...
James 1:13-18 Introduction In the Bible, we find some people who resisted temptation and some who gave in to temptation. For example, Joseph fled from sexual enticement, while King David...
James 1:1-12 Introduction Born blind in one eye, a young boy in Nigeria was sent by his parents to live with his uncle in the United States. His parents hoped...