Kingdom stewards have the divinely ordained responsibility to manage time, talents, and treasures in such a way that brings Him glory.
Kingdom stewards have the divinely ordained responsibility to manage time, talents, and treasures in such a way that brings Him glory.
We must change our perspective about work and view it as a sacred task that fulfills our Kingdom responsibility as followers of Jesus.
One of the ways we bring glory to God is to recognize that He is the owner of all things, and freedom is found in that mindset.
The parable teaches us the importance of developing kingdom relationships by impacting as many people as we can for our benefit in eternity.
As God’s kingdom steward, you can also expect to receive benefits for managing His resources in a way that protects and expands His kingdom.
Like children must be taught to save their allowance or they will spend it all, God teaches us to honor Him as Ruler and Owner of all.
God loves a cheerful giver. Whatever you normally give each week, focus on your heart as you give with the goal of becoming a cheerful giver.
Discontentment has a way of causing us to lose what we already have in an effort to gain what often does not even exist
All of life is a stewardship because all of life comes from and is under the authority of the Jesus the King of kings.
We often think of idols as carvings of wood or statues. However, an idol is anything or anyone that usurps God’s rule in a person’s life.
Previously, Dr. Evans introduced the concept of stewardship. He shared Scriptures that reveal God’s ownership and rule over all.
Kingdom stewardship is the understanding that while we are here on Earth, we don’t own anything. God is the owner, we are the caretakers.