Eternal life is not only about the reward that is to come after physical death, but also a level of our experience with God in this life.
Eternal life is not only about the reward that is to come after physical death, but also a level of our experience with God in this life.
Don’t give up when life is hard. Rather, shift your focus, knowing that you will experience Jesus on new level if you keep going by faith.
Through prioritizing God, His Word and His Spirit, we can find triumph after times of spiritual defeat. Let victory be yours today.
God expects Christians to become spiritually mature followers of Christ, using their growth and wisdom to influence those around them.
An unapologetic Christian confesses allegiance to Christ without any qualification or diminishment of His truth.
It is not by the force of our will, but rather the opposite: absolute surrender, that is the key to unlocking God’s power.
The only cure against becoming a lukewarm disciple is to reset priorities and invest in the spiritual rather than the physical.
Believers must address their spiritual confusion and follow Jesus if they want to receive the rewards of discipleship.
As followers of Jesus, we must understand that true success in life is directly related to the level of our experiential knowledge of God.
Your intimacy with the Lord should be the driving force of your life, but you first must invite Him in and spend time with Him.