We can overcome trials, difficulties, and grief to the degree our spiritual eyesight has priority over our secular or physical outlook.
When you have the proper mechanism to receive spiritual insight as a believer in Jesus Christ, God gives you enhanced spiritual capacity.
If you want to experience more of Christ in your life and to have heaven open for you, there must be personal contact with Jesus Christ.
Believers have authority, through Jesus, to claim promises and access their victory over illegitimate attacks from the enemy.
Believers must use spiritual corrective lenses to view and understand our world and our circumstances from a Godly perspective.
Just as God’s people live and contribute to a broken culture today, so it was for Nehemiah and the Jewish people in 445 BC.
When our thinking becomes small like grasshoppers, we must repent and obey to be put on the path to the blessings that trusting God brings.