When God does something suddenly, He does it so it can serve as a testimony about Himself that benefits others as well.
When God does something suddenly, He does it so it can serve as a testimony about Himself that benefits others as well.
A legacy is like a relay race baton: no matter how fast a runner moves, if the baton is not passed to the next runner, the team cannot win.
Foundations are important in homes, families and our culture. Entities built on a weak foundation will collapse during a storm or disaster.
When a man starts where he is and uses the tools he already has, God will improve his life, his family, and his community.
When both a man and a woman join together to follow the will of God and carry out His purpose for their lives, their dominion will expand.
A man’s life changes forever when he acknowledges God as ruler, covenant giver, and as the One who holds the power.
When a man enters his God-ordained space, takes a stand in His kingdom, and abides by His authority, we will see a shift in our culture.
Men are called to a unique position and ordained purpose. Anyone can live up to that position and purpose as long as God is first.