Everyone is welcomed at OCBF. It is our sincere desire that all men, women, boys and girls come into a saving knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ and experience daily the power of His eternal love. A believer can increasingly grow into an intimate, vibrant relationship with Christ as he or she becomes more grounded in His Word.
Colossians 1:28-29 Introduction On the road to Damascus, Paul had an encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ that radically changed his life and set him on a path of ministry...
Matthew 5:13-16 Introduction We have a computer network in operation on our church campus. This network only functions because of its servers. Servers enable the computers to communicate with each...
Malachi 3:7-12 Introduction When children play together, whether they know each other or are playing together for the first time, they are often unwilling to share their toys. Their little...
1 Corinthians 11:23-34 Introduction Before an NBA game, the team and staff always have a pregame meal. They usually have a feast and the team sits, eats, and fellowships. This...
Romans 12:1-2 Introduction Trapeze artists understand the art of surrender. A profound trust exists between the flyer and the catcher. The flyer must let go of the trapeze, hang perfectly...