While the circumstances of life may be difficult and cause us to fear, we must choose to rest in God’s person, power and provision.
Life really comes down to one question. Whose word will you believe: the word of man or the Word of God? It’s our choice to follow God or to follow fear.
Just like King Jehoshaphat, when we pray and acknowledge that God is in control even when we are not, we should always start with praise.
Are you spending time with God? Dr. Evans always challenges us to grow in our intimacy with Christ through prayer, fasting and obedience to God’s Word.
Isn’t it great to know we serve an all-powerful, all-knowing and ever-present Savior? During your ‘shelter in residence,’ we trust that you’re spending quality time to deepen your relationship with God.
We hope and pray that you are well and spending your time wisely for the glory of God. We can still trust Him even if we don’t understand what He’s doing.
Although we prefer an in-person collective gathering, we are thankful for technology that allows us to stay in touch and connected as we continue to serve, encourage and love one another in the body of Christ.
With all the uncertainties, it would be easy to give in to fear. But Dr. Evans has a mighty and relevant message for you.
Join Dr. Tony Evans and his family this Sunday, March 22, at 10 am CDT for another powerful online worship experience, “Divine Disruption.”
The Anointing that comes from the Holy Spirit requires intimate fellowship with God through the practice of abiding in Jesus Christ..
The Holy Spirit as living water provides the ongoing experience of spiritual life and satisfaction to all who are willing to receive it.
The Person of the Holy Spirit is the third member of the Trinity. It is His job to help believers of Jesus in any area there is a need.
Prayer is our commitment to have a conversation with God so that His kingdom reigns. Be bold in prayer and expect God to act in your life.
No matter what situation we face, our prayers should always lead us to lift up our voice to God with gratitude and great praise.
When we pray for protection from temptation and evil, God promises to deliver us. Our response should be to praise, glorify and honor Him.
Despite our sins against God the Father, He sent Jesus Christ to shed his blood for the forgiveness of our sin, pardoning those who repent.
When God does provide sustenance for us, we should respond by expressing love, concern, and compassion through sharing with those in need.
We are called to submit to God’s comprehensive rule in every area of our lives, including submitting to His will over our own wills.
As a citizen of the United States, we have a commitment to a nation – a kingdom. If you are a believer, you are a citizen of God’s Kingdom.
God is a father we can trust, and a father that is concerned about our welfare. This means He protects us, and also disciplines us.
Although prayer is an act of faith that draws us closer to God, many struggle with it because we do not know what prayer is or how to do it.
When we do ‘church things’ because we want people to know we are Christian or we want God to bless us, we have created the idol of religion.
In God’s Kingdom, there is no such thing as luck. God is the one who causes or allows all things to take place in our lives.
The permeation of humanism and secularism in the culture has resulted in a part-time saint mentality among Christians.
Greed is really a heart issue and in order to overcome it, we must shift our hearts from receiving more to giving more.
Many do not use technology the way God intended. Technology becomes an idol when we start to worship our devices instead of worshiping God.
Pleasure becomes an idol when we seek to enjoy something in God’s creation without the participation of the Creator.