Are you being tempted to look back at yesterday or the days gone by? Claim the promises of God, anticipate them and look ahead to God’s future for you.
It can be hard to keep a strong faith when our world is collapsing. If we spend time serving others, our faith can be recharged.
God places His resources in your hands so you might use them to do good, help others and bring Him glory.
The people of Jesus must unify to actively engage this world in relocating God and a biblical worldview as the focus of culture and society.
Summer is in full gear with lots of activities intended for your spiritual growth and to keep you connected to our church family.
In protest to a racial norm, Jesus Christ – while maintaining his own racial history and heritage – obeyed the will of God.
Dr. Evans takes great pleasure in his weekly communications with you. As the demands for our Pastor’s time increases, let’s keep him in our prayers.
We cannot expect the structures of society to work when we, the structure of His own people, refuse to work in alignment with His standard.
Kingdom men are those who have made the decision to operate consistently under the governance of God and the Lordship of Jesus Christ.
Father’s Day is this Sunday, and we would like to wish all the Kingdom Dads in our congregation Happy Father’s Day!
David illustrates in Psalm 23 the relational and covenantal nature of God from the vantage point of a shepherd taking care of his sheep.
More than ever, we need the people of God to be salt and light in our culture. We need God’s love working in and through us for the benefit of mankind.
Kingdom Disciples make a conscious decision to prioritize God’s views even when those views do not align with commonly held worldly beliefs.
The parable in Matthew 7 illustrates how the success or failure of one’s house is predicated on the decision to build it on wisdom and truth.
Your participation in our ministry demonstrates that the church is the people and not the building. We are grateful we can bring ministry to you virtually.
The physical pandemic that we face today is a symbol of a spiritual, societal and personal pandemic. The answer always begins with Scripture.
Summer is approaching, and we have so much in store for you over the next few months. So, hang in there with us as we do life together virtually!
The people that make up the church have a job to do: God wants His people to be present in the world for His purposes.
Sometimes it feels like hell is winning. The good news is we have God’s promise that the gates of hell will not prevail against His church.
While the circumstances of life may be difficult and cause us to fear, we must choose to rest in God’s person, power and provision.
Life really comes down to one question. Whose word will you believe: the word of man or the Word of God? It’s our choice to follow God or to follow fear.
Just like King Jehoshaphat, when we pray and acknowledge that God is in control even when we are not, we should always start with praise.
Are you spending time with God? Dr. Evans always challenges us to grow in our intimacy with Christ through prayer, fasting and obedience to God’s Word.
Isn’t it great to know we serve an all-powerful, all-knowing and ever-present Savior? During your ‘shelter in residence,’ we trust that you’re spending quality time to deepen your relationship with God.