As we navigate the tumultuous waters of our lives, God reminds us that we have a beacon tp guide us and keep us safe: His Word.
We represent God and His truth revealed to us in His Word, and this cannot be done in silence or by staying in our holy huddles.
We need to know who we are dealing with when it comes to our spiritual battle: Satan, a liar and the enemy of truth.
Abiding in truth is the way committed Christians experience victory over illegitimate spiritual bondage they experience in their lives.
People often choose to reject God’s standards because they desire to continue in their unrighteousness, sin and rebellion against God.
In today’s culture, truth is under attack. Many people don’t see the need for truth, but we desperately need it for several reasons.
We can overcome trials, difficulties, and grief to the degree our spiritual eyesight has priority over our secular or physical outlook.
When you have the proper mechanism to receive spiritual insight as a believer in Jesus Christ, God gives you enhanced spiritual capacity.
If you want to experience more of Christ in your life and to have heaven open for you, there must be personal contact with Jesus Christ.
Believers have authority, through Jesus, to claim promises and access their victory over illegitimate attacks from the enemy.
Believers must use spiritual corrective lenses to view and understand our world and our circumstances from a Godly perspective.
Just as God’s people live and contribute to a broken culture today, so it was for Nehemiah and the Jewish people in 445 BC.
When our thinking becomes small like grasshoppers, we must repent and obey to be put on the path to the blessings that trusting God brings.
Eternal life is not only about the reward that is to come after physical death, but also a level of our experience with God in this life.
The death of Christ guaranteed the forgiveness of sin for all eternity, and His life provides deliverance from sin in history.
As you read Scripture and listen to sermons, consider how God is urging you to connect with Him and His people.
This weekend, we get to celebrate the greatest sacrifice and miracle in the death and resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Don’t give up when life is hard. Rather, shift your focus, knowing that you will experience Jesus on new level if you keep going by faith.
By prioritizing God, we can find triumph over spiritual defeat and become a part of His mighty army, joining Him in changing this generation.
Through prioritizing God, His Word and His Spirit, we can find triumph after times of spiritual defeat. Let victory be yours today.
Rather than simply consuming truth, the mature believer lives out God’s truth in the throes of everyday living.
God expects Christians to become spiritually mature followers of Christ, using their growth and wisdom to influence those around them.
To be unapologetic as a Christian means to confess allegiance to Jesus Christ without diminishing His truth.
An unapologetic Christian confesses allegiance to Christ without any qualification or diminishment of His truth.
It is not by the force of our will, but rather the opposite: absolute surrender, that is the key to unlocking God’s power.
Let’s keep those who have suffered loss in our prayers as they begin to repair and restore what has been damaged.
As believers, we should connect with God and each other, grow in spiritual maturity, and serve as kingdom agents for our Lord.