Overflow is all about giving. Just as giving fuels our relationship with Him, it also sustains our relationships with others.
Overflow is all about giving. Just as giving fuels our relationship with Him, it also sustains our relationships with others.
God will give to Christians an overflow according to what we are willing to give, and He wants us to give Him our whole life.
While the Lord does not tempt us, He does strengthens us through the trials and testing of our faith. Thus, we must ask Him to help us live right.
We must seek through prayer how God wants us to serve Him. We should come to the Lord as a trusting child, glorifying His name and asking how we can serve the King.
Like oxygen, prayer keeps the vitals of faith consistently functioning. Spending time communing with God provides us with a place to find rest and peace.
We all walk through valleys and times of difficulty in our lives. Scripture teaches us five things we need to know about valleys.
If you believe that Jesus is risen, then He has given you marching orders. Your responsibility is to be subject to the authority of Jesus and to make disciples wherever you go.
As disciples, it is our responsibility to bring salt and light to a world that often feels dark and tasteless. Every believer has a responsibility to participate in bringing change to the world that we live in.
Not all transitions are good; some are challenging and difficult. The way we persevere through transitions is by trusting the Lord and His Word instead of our own understanding.
Demons flee when we recognize Jesus Christ as the only One who can exercise authority over demonic influences in our lives.
When we shift our mindset to what provision we have in Christ, we drive ourselves to prayer, praise and peace in our circumstances.
When we receive God’s compassion and mercy, our response should be to stop doing what caused us to sin in the first place.
The church is meant to operate according to His divine order and to demonstrate this divine order to society.
It is imperative that we trust Christ’s intercession and follow His leading so that we can walk in His kingdom purpose.
While we all may have stains, there is a Man who offers “cleaners” for our sins, a Man who can take care of the worst possible stains.
When we rely on Christ’s blood, we are legally applying His blood to our case because it covers all our sins.
When you operate in the realm of the Spirit, you have a new spiritual location, community and representative.
We participate in advancing God’s kingdom by fulfilling God’s calling on our life when we exercise our spiritual authority.