As Kingdom Citizens, our devotion is to the Lord. We should influence whatever areas of culture to which God has allowed us to be a part.
As Kingdom Citizens, our devotion is to the Lord. We should influence whatever areas of culture to which God has allowed us to be a part.
As Kingdom Voters facing an election in a time when even Christians cannot agree, we must remember who is Lord.
When a government no longer looks to the Lord for its standard of conduct, the Lord allows the people to reap what they sow.
Kingdom Voters recognize the importance of considering both policy and character when making their choices on election day.
The issue we are facing is that many Christians have found themselves tossed by the winds of agendas and political alignments.
As Kingdom Voters, one of the important issues we must prioritize is protecting and promoting family as God intended.
As Christians and Kingdom Voters, we must treat every human as Imago Dei – that is, as image-bearers of their Creator, God.
When we start to consider this concept of freedom, we have to begin with God’s initial mention of it in the book of Genesis.
Understanding what is going on today means looking at what God intended for us regarding government and authority.
With an upcoming election and so many differing opinions, how Christians should vote becomes seemingly, even more complicated.